
Welcome to - your go-to solution for sending and sharing web banners.

We understand the challenges of sharing web banners through email, which is why we created this platform. Our goal is to make the process of sending and sharing web banners as easy and seamless as possible.

With, you can drag and drop your banner images, HTML files, or ZIP bundles and we'll take care of the rest. Our platform offers fast uploads, automatic checks, and a user-friendly form to enter all the necessary details, such as title, width, height, click URL, and comments. Then, just confirm and receive a share URL that you can send to anyone via email. Your banners will be active for 7 days and then automatically deleted for your convenience.

We also have a preview feature, so you can view how your banners look before sending them out. This eliminates the need for uploading banners to ad servers, saving you time and effort. was created by Aivars Zunde, a web developer from Latvia, to help himself and his clients overcome the problem of sharing banners through email clients. Our goal is to provide a simple and efficient solution for web banner sharing.

Thank you for choosing for your web banner needs.

The Team